Healing Presence Ministry

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Fear Not

A year ago I visited the beautiful city of Paris, France. Last week I returned to France to visit some dear friends, and I was saddened by all of the changes I saw in Paris. On street corners were police with guns, and the Eiffel Tower was fenced in with guards everywhere. There was a soccer game taking place, so there was high security. I have friends who will not travel to London or other cities in Europe for fear of terrorist attacks. In addition the recent killings in Orlando, Brussels, and Paris, have provoked fear in many around the world.


In light of this, I have written a poem about not going to fear because with faith and trust in God the fear is removed. When we live in fear we are allowing our enemies to win and our greatest enemy, Satan, to win. When we trust in God, fear vanishes giving rise to freedom. This is freedom in Christ. When we have freedom in Christ, no one can really hurt us or provoke us to fear.  Worst case we die, then we will be with our loving Savior. So fear not, my brothers and sisters. 


Fear Not

When the rain and clouds hover and persist, fear not

When worry and anxiety hold you captive, fear not

When your trust and belief waver, fear not

When you wonder if you can keep on breathing, fear not

When all those around you have lost control, fear not

When you find yourself in a bottomless abyss, fear not

When your trials and tribulations are never ceasing, fear not

When you keep trying, but seem to always fail, fear not

When life seems hopeless with no promise, fear not

When all reason and logic doesn't give an answer, fear not

When life seems forever against you, fear not

When faulty thoughts overtake your mind, fear not

When you are approaching and facing death's door, fear not

When you don't know if you can make it another day, fear not

When the darkness of depression does not lift, fear not

When the oppression and abuse are too much to bear, fear not

When hurt leaves your heart in pieces, fear not

When loss and grief cause you endless pain, fear not

Since God is always with us, fear not

Since in God we trust, fear not

Since without fear, there is freedom, fear not

Since our freedom is in Christ, fear not....

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."  

2 Corinthians 3:17a


"Fear not, for I am with you."

Isaiah 43:5a